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Practical Law Hong Kong's Toolkit: How to Prepare a Hong Kong Agreement using Practical Law

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If you are in Hong Kong and you prepare agreements, check out our toolkit on How to prepare a Hong Kong agreement using Practical Law. It provides a convenient, one-stop gateway to Practical Law’s Hong Kong, United Kingdom and cross-border contract drafting resources.

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TR News Asia
Asia Training Team: Mina Park

Meet Thomson Reuters' Training Specialist based in Korea.

TR News Asia
Asia Training Team: Ping Zhang

Meet Thomson Reuters' Training Specialist based in China.

TR News Asia
Asia Training Team: Lipika Malhan

Meet Thomson Reuters' Training Specialist based in India.

Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest: Recently reported cases, with observations by Mr Justice Bokhary

Content updates

Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest is the only authorised law reporting service in Hong Kong endorsed by the Judiciary. Cases are selected by the Hon Mr Justice Bokhary GBM, NPJ, General Editor, ensuring the most reliable and comprehensive coverage of over 100 years of official case law...

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Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest: Judgments recently reported

Content updates

The following cases are recently reported in the Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest – the only authorised law reporting service in Hong Kong endorsed by the Judiciary. Each reported case includes a headnote highlighting the key issues and decision in the case.

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Practical Law Hong Kong's Latest Resource: Practice Note on Contracts: Variation

Content updates

Practical Law Hong Kong's latest practice note, Contracts: Variation, has been published with the assistance of MinterEllison LLP, particularly, Fred Kinmonth, Partner and Caroline De Souza, Consultant. This note outlines the rules governing variation of a contract and discusses the...

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For academic customers, how will they be able to trace students via Single Sign On? What if registration links are sent to someone outside of the organisation?

If someone outside of the organisation is sent a link, they will be unable to access Thomson Reuters as they will not have access to the organisations sign on credentials.

What expertise and/or software is required on the client's side?

Client will require an identity provider and the ability to manage it.

If an organisation already has local Single Sign On implemented, is a separate Single Sign On for Thomson Reuters required?

No, we can add Thomson Reuters platforms so long as the Single Sign On already implemented is compliant as explained in the question "What do I need to get Single Sign On?".